I have an expect script that connects to a vpn using openconnect. The script works perfectly, except that I don't know how to keep openconnect alive once the password has been provided and expect has reached the EOF. I think I need to fork the process, but I need it to keep the password somehow. Here is my script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ./openconnect
expect "sudo"
send "sudo_password\r"
expect "password:"
send "vpn_password\r"
expect /Connected\stun1\sas/ #expect connected tun1 as some ip
and openconnect
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo -k
sudo -S openconnect --juniper --user username --csd-wrapper ~/juniper-vpn-py/tnc vpn_server
The output gets to connected tun1 as some ip as expected, but then expect closes and so does the process is spawned.
You have to wait for the spawned process to finish before exiting the Expect script or the spawned process may be killed prematurely. Try like this:
expect "Connected tun1 as"
expect -timeout -1 eof ; # change the timeout value as needed
expect "Connected tun1 as"