I am recently learning data structures and algorithm.I got simply working code of towers of hanoi.
package linkedlist;
public class TowrerOfHanoi {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TowrerOfHanoi toh=new TowrerOfHanoi();
toh.move(3,'A','C', 'B');
public void move(int numberOfDisc,char from,char to,char inter) {
if(numberOfDisc==1) {
System.out.println("Moving disc 1 from"+from
else {
System.out.println("Moving disc "+numberOfDisc+"from"+from
+"to"+to); //confusion at this point
No of disc=3 The move function is called and
At first step: move(3,A,C,B) is passed and it goes to else block.
2nd step:Recursion is seen and move(2,A,B,C) is called.
3rd step:Recursion is seen and move(1,A,B,C) is called.
Since noofdisc=1 so,it goes to first if block and I got this:
Moving disc 1 fromAtoC
I am clear upto this point and after this i while debugging i see noofdisk=2 in console:
Since ,our last recursion called was move(1,A,B,C) how is the noofdisk=2? I am getting stuck at this point.Please help me to how I am getting noofdisk=2 at this step? The code is working fine for towers of hanoi problem.
When I am thinking about recursion problems, I picture every new recursive call as a first in first out stack, where most recent call is handled first. When move is called with noof==2, it subtracted noof to 1 for only that call and therefore hit your base case and printed "Moving disc 1 fromAtoC" and finished the call. In the previous call, noof still equals 2 because it never assigned noof in the local instance only simply passed it decremented.