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Jenkins Blue Ocean Plugin fails to connect to GitHub

I'm trying to create a Jenkins pipeline using Blue Ocean but when I try to connect to my GitHub using the GitHub generated access token, nothing happens. However, when I check the console, I get this error message. Someone please help me out.

Here is an image of the console

blueocean.js:58216 Unhandled Rejection: "Error: fetch failed: 500 for\n at FetchFunctions.checkStatus (" lo
gUnhandledPromiseRejection @ blueocean.js:58216

At the network tab, the response is:

  "message" : "No 'injectableValues' configured, cannot inject value with id [org.kohsuke.github.GitHubResponse$ResponseInfo]\


  • It seems the issue was with the version of blue ocean I had installed. I downgraded to 1.106. You can do the following to sort the issue.

    Grab the 1.106. version of the plugin from Here

    Then go to manage plugins > Advance > Upload Plugin and upload the 1.106 plugins and install it. All dependencies and indirect dependencies will also be satisfied with this version.

    For more information check here