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Multiple arguments in Gio.Subprocess

I'm developing my first gnome-shell-extension currently. In the extension, I want to execute a simple shell command and use the output afterwards, for which I use Gio.Subprocess like it is used in this wiki:

Currently, I have an argument like this one with some parameters: "ProgramXYZ -a -bc" which I pass as the argument vector argv as ['ProgramXYZ','-a','-bc']. This case works fine.

So let's say I would like to call two programs and combine the output with your approach, like: "ProgramXYZ -a -bc && ProgramB". My current output is correct in a normal terminal, but I'm not sure how to pass it to the Gio.Subprocess. Something like ['ProgramXYZ','-a','-bc','&&','ProgramB'] does not work, is there a way to achieve that or do i have to make two seperate calls?


  • Sorry, I haven't managed to finish that page (that's why it's in my sandbox 😉).

    Here is our Promise wrapper for running a subprocess:

    function execCommand(argv, input = null, cancellable = null) {
        let flags = Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE;
        if (input !== null)
            flags |= Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDIN_PIPE;
        let proc = new Gio.Subprocess({
            argv: argv,
            flags: flags
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            proc.communicate_utf8_async(input, cancellable, (proc, res) => {
                try {
                } catch (e) {

    Now you have two reasonable choices, since you have a nice wrapper.

    I would prefer this option myself, because if I'm launching sequential processes I probably want to know which failed, what the error was and so on. I really wouldn't worry about extra overhead, since the second process only executes if the first succeeds, at which point the first will have been garbage collected.

    async function dualCall() {
        try {
            let stdout1 = await execCommand(['ProgramXYZ', '-a', '-bc']);
            let stdout2 = await execCommand(['ProgramB']);
        } catch (e) {

    On the other hand, there is nothing preventing you from launching a sub-shell if you really want to do shell stuff. Ultimately you're just offloading the same behaviour to a shell, though:

    async function shellCall() {
        try {
            let stdout = await execCommand([
                'ProgramXYZ -a -bc && ProgramB'
        } catch (e) {