I'm trying to let the command boxes on a userform populate with named ranges that are called from a different workbook. I have a main sub that calls different subs and userform code.(code as below)
Currently, the userform loads but the combo boxes are empty. I think the problem is with calling the main Sub and then initializing the userform sub.
Load FrmVendor
Private Sub FrmVendor_Initialize(myNamedRangeDynamicVendorName As Range, myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode As Range)
'add column of data from spreadsheet to userform ComboBox
cboxVendorName.RowSource = myNamedRangeDynamicVendorName.Address(external:=True)
cboxVendorCode.RowSource= myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode.Address(external:=True)
cboxVendorCode.ColumnCount = 2
This is parts of the code to show where I get my named Ranges, all the userform settings and then just the part of the main macro that calls the userform.
Option Explicit
Private m_Cancelled As Boolean
Sub NamedRanges(wb As Workbook, wSh As Worksheet)
Dim myNamedRangeDynamicVendor As Range
Dim myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode As Range
'declare variable to hold defined name
Dim myRangeNameVendor As String
Dim myRangeNameVendorCode As String
'specify defined name
myRangeNameVendor = "namedRangeDynamicVendor"
myRangeNameVendorCode = "namedRangeDynamicVendorCode"
'Vendor Name range
With wSh.Cells
'find last row of source data cell range
myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'specify cell range
Set myNamedRangeDynamicVendor = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, "A:A"), .Cells(myLastRow, "A:A"))
End With
'Vendor Code range
With wSh.Cells
'specify cell range
Set myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, "B:B"), .Cells(myLastRow, "B:B"))
End With
'create named ranges
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=myRangeNameVendor, RefersTo:=myNamedRangeDynamicVendor
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=myRangeNameVendorCode, RefersTo:=myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode
End sub
' Returns the cancelled value to the calling procedure
Public Property Get Cancelled() As Boolean
Cancelled = m_Cancelled
End Property
Private Sub buttonCancel_Click()
' Hide the Userform and set cancelled to true
m_Cancelled = True
End Sub
' Hide the UserForm when the user click Ok
Private Sub buttonOk_Click()
End Sub
' Handle user clicking on the X button
Private Sub FrmVendor_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
' Prevent the form being unloaded
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True
' Hide the Userform and set cancelled to true
m_Cancelled = True
End Sub
Private Sub FrmVendor_Initialize(myNamedRangeDynamicVendorName As Range, myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode As Range)
'add column of data from spreadsheet to userform ComboBox
cboxVendorName.RowSource = myNamedRangeDynamicVendorName.Address(external:=True)
cboxVendorCode.RowSource= myNamedRangeDynamicVendorCode.Address(external:=True)
cboxVendorCode.ColumnCount = 2
End Sub
Sub Main Macro
Call NamedRanges(wb, wSh)
' Display the UserForm
Load FrmVendor
' Clean up
Unload FrmVendor
Set FrmVendor = Nothing
Any help will be appreciated thanks!
With Help from @HTH answer above to make changes to the range names, I still had a problem with filling the comboboxes. From another thread I posted, the problem was solved with a combination of @HTH and @CDP1802 answers.
Link: Userform Comboboxes not populating with external data range
Main code that needed to change
The .tag code would normally work but caused problems for me, so had to change it to the following (full answer and description in the link provided above, answer by @CDP1802)
' Display the UserForm
With New FrmVendor
.cboxVendorName.RowSource = wb.Names(myRangeNameVendor).RefersToRange.Address(external:=True)
.cboxVendorCode.RowSource = wb.Names(myRangeNameVendorCode).RefersToRange.Address(external:=True)
VendorName = .cboxVendorName.Value
VendorCode = .cboxVendorCode.Value
End With