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JOIN or subquery in SQL to grab data out of various tables needed

I need to pull out some data from various tables using PHP prepared statements and MySQL.

The items I need to plot the data into a graph are:

tblstudent.studentID tblquestionnaire.questionnaireID tblstudentAnswer.answer

The database design looks like this with my table joins. DB Design

I have attempted to use INNER JOIN's, however I cannot join tblquestionnaire into it as I do not share a key with that table and the student table or with the studentAnswer table.

Any guidance would be much appreciated in how I get those pieces of information out within an SQL query.


  • You are overthinking it.

    to get all student Ids, with their answers and the questionaire ID.

    The following query is enough.

      studentAnswer sta
        questionnaireQuestions qq ON sta.questionnID =  qq.questionnID