In my build pipeline, I have a step as follows:
SDK version I'm using in global.json is 3.1.201". With this, when I try to create a build, I get the following error:
error NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization with version (>= 2.2.0)
error NU1102: - Found 9 version(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages [ Nearest version: 1.1.3 ]
I don't know if this is related sdk version. Can someone help with fixing this issue?
Adding this step and also adding the step NUGET Installer before and switching from visual_studio 2017 to windows 2019 as the build agent solved the problem for me.
Strangely when creating a new pipeline from template "Azure function" the Nuget Restore step is missing...