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How can I convert QBASIC PLAY Commands to Something More Contemporary?

I have play commands in my QB application like this:

PLAY "MSe8f#4f#8f#8g8a8b4.a4.g4.f#4.o0b8o1e8e8e4d8e2."

I'd like to convert these somehow into something modern applications could use. Any thoughts? I'm currently messing around with the application in FreeBasic.


  • You can convert your Play strings into WAV files with a tool like this (C code):

    // file: play2wav.c
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #ifndef M_PI
    #define M_PI 3.14159265358
    double Note2Freq(int Note) // Note=1 = C1 (32.7032 Hz), Note=84 = B7 (3951.07 Hz)
      double f = 0;
      if (Note > 0)
        f = 440 * exp(log(2) * (Note - 46) / 12);
      return f;
    int Name2SemitonesFromC(char c)
      static const int semitonesFromC[7] = { 9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 }; // A,B,C,D,E,F,G
      if (c < 'A' && c > 'G') return -1;
      return semitonesFromC[c - 'A'];
    typedef struct tPlayer
      } State;
      int Tempo;
      int Duration;
      int Octave;
      } Mode;
      int Note;
      double NoteDuration;
      double NoteTime;
      unsigned SampleRate;
    } tPlayer;
    void PlayerInit(tPlayer* pPlayer, unsigned SampleRate)
      pPlayer->State = StateParsing;
      pPlayer->Tempo = 120; // [32,255] quarter notes per minute
      pPlayer->Duration = 4; // [1,64]
      pPlayer->Octave = 4; // [0,6]
      pPlayer->Mode = ModeNormal;
      pPlayer->Note = 0;
      pPlayer->SampleRate = SampleRate;
    int PlayerGetSample(tPlayer* pPlayer, const char** ppMusicString, short* pSample)
      int number;
      int note = 0;
      int duration = 0;
      int dotCnt = 0;
      double sample;
      double freq;
      *pSample = 0;
      while (pPlayer->State == StateParsing)
        char c = **ppMusicString;
        if (c == '\0') return 0;
        if (isspace(c)) continue;
        c = toupper(c);
        switch (c)
        case 'O':
          c = **ppMusicString;
          if (c < '0' || c > '6') return 0;
          pPlayer->Octave = c - '0';
        case '<':
          if (pPlayer->Octave > 0) pPlayer->Octave--;
        case '>':
          if (pPlayer->Octave < 6) pPlayer->Octave++;
        case 'M':
          c = toupper(**ppMusicString);
          switch (c)
          case 'L':
            pPlayer->Mode = ModeLegato;
          case 'N':
            pPlayer->Mode = ModeNormal;
          case 'S':
            pPlayer->Mode = ModeStaccato;
          case 'B':
          case 'F':
            // skip MB and MF
            return 0;
          break; // ML/MN/MS, MB/MF
        case 'L':
        case 'T':
          number = 0;
          for (;;)
            char c2 = **ppMusicString;
            if (isdigit(c2))
              number = number * 10 + c2 - '0';
            else break;
          switch (c)
          case 'L':
            if (number < 1 || number > 64) return 0;
            pPlayer->Duration = number;
          case 'T':
            if (number < 32 || number > 255) return 0;
            pPlayer->Tempo = number;
          break; // Ln/Tn
        case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
        case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
        case 'N':
        case 'P':
          switch (c)
          case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
          case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
            note = 1 + pPlayer->Octave * 12 + Name2SemitonesFromC(c);
            break; // A...G
          case 'P':
            note = 0;
            break; // P
          case 'N':
            number = 0;
            for (;;)
              char c2 = **ppMusicString;
              if (isdigit(c2))
                number = number * 10 + c2 - '0';
              else break;
            if (number < 0 || number > 84) return 0;
            note = number;
            break; // N
          } // got note #
          if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'G')
            char c2 = **ppMusicString;
            if (c2 == '+' || c2 == '#')
              if (note < 84) note++;
            else if (c2 == '-')
              if (note > 1) note--;
          } // applied sharps and flats
          duration = pPlayer->Duration;
          if (c != 'N')
            number = 0;
            for (;;)
              char c2 = **ppMusicString;
              if (isdigit(c2))
                number = number * 10 + c2 - '0';
              else break;
            if (number < 0 || number > 64) return 0;
            if (number > 0) duration = number;
          } // got note duration
          while (**ppMusicString == '.')
          } // got dots
          pPlayer->Note = note;
          pPlayer->NoteDuration = 1.0 / duration;
          while (dotCnt--)
            duration *= 2;
            pPlayer->NoteDuration += 1.0 / duration;
          pPlayer->NoteDuration *= 60 * 4. / pPlayer->Tempo; // in seconds now
          pPlayer->NoteTime = 0;
          pPlayer->State = StateGenerating;
          break; // A...G/N/P
          return 0;
        } // switch (c)
      // pPlayer->State == StateGenerating
      // Calculate the next sample for the current note
      sample = 0;
      // QuickBasic Play() frequencies appear to be 1 octave higher than
      // on the piano.
      freq = Note2Freq(pPlayer->Note) * 2;
      if (freq > 0)
        double f = freq;
        while (f < pPlayer->SampleRate / 2 && f < 8000) // Cap max frequency at 8 KHz
          sample += exp(-0.125 * f / freq) * sin(2 * M_PI * f * pPlayer->NoteTime);
          f += 2 * freq; // Use only odd harmonics
        sample *= 15000;
        sample *= exp(-pPlayer->NoteTime / 0.5); // Slow decay
      if ((pPlayer->Mode == ModeNormal && pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration * 7 / 8) ||
          (pPlayer->Mode == ModeStaccato && pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration * 3 / 4))
        sample = 0;
      if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767;
      if (sample < -32767) sample = -32767;
      *pSample = (short)sample;
      pPlayer->NoteTime += 1.0 / pPlayer->SampleRate;
      if (pPlayer->NoteTime >= pPlayer->NoteDuration)
        pPlayer->State = StateParsing;
      return 1;
    int PlayToFile(const char* pFileInName, const char* pFileOutName, unsigned SampleRate)
      int err = EXIT_FAILURE;
      FILE *fileIn = NULL, *fileOut = NULL;
      tPlayer player;
      short sample;
      char* pMusicString = NULL;
      const char* p;
      size_t sz = 1, len = 0;
      char c;
      unsigned char uc;
      unsigned long sampleCnt = 0, us;
      if ((fileIn = fopen(pFileInName, "rb")) == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "can't open file \"%s\"\n", pFileInName);
        goto End;
      if ((fileOut = fopen(pFileOutName, "wb")) == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "can't create file \"%s\"\n", pFileOutName);
        goto End;
      if ((pMusicString = malloc(sz)) == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "can't allocate memory\n");
        goto End;
      // Load the input file into pMusicString[]
      while (fread(&c, 1, 1, fileIn))
        pMusicString[len++] = c;
        if (len == sz)
          char* p;
          sz *= 2;
          if (sz < len)
            goto NoMemory;
          p = realloc(pMusicString, sz);
          if (p == NULL)
            goto NoMemory;
          pMusicString = p;
      pMusicString[len] = '\0'; // Make pMusicString[] an ASCIIZ string
      // First, a dry run to simply count samples (needed for the WAV header)
      PlayerInit(&player, SampleRate);
      p = pMusicString;
      while (PlayerGetSample(&player, &p, &sample))
      if (p != pMusicString + len)
                "Parsing error near byte %u: \"%c%c%c\"\n",
                (unsigned)(p - pMusicString),
                (p > pMusicString) ? p[-1] : ' ',
                (p - pMusicString + 1 < len) ? p[1] : ' ');
        goto End;
      // Write the output file
      // ChunkID
      fwrite("RIFF", 1, 4, fileOut);
      // ChunkSize
      us = 36 + 2 * sampleCnt;
      uc = us % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // Format + Subchunk1ID
      fwrite("WAVEfmt ", 1, 8, fileOut);
      // Subchunk1Size
      uc = 16;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // AudioFormat
      uc = 1;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // NumChannels
      uc = 1;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // SampleRate
      uc = SampleRate % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = SampleRate / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // ByteRate
      us = (unsigned long)SampleRate * 2;
      uc = us % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // BlockAlign
      uc = 2;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // BitsPerSample
      uc = 16;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = 0;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // Subchunk2ID
      fwrite("data", 1, 4, fileOut);
      // Subchunk2Size
      us = sampleCnt * 2;
      uc = us % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      uc = us / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256;
      fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      // Data
      PlayerInit(&player, SampleRate);
      p = pMusicString;
      while (PlayerGetSample(&player, &p, &sample))
        uc = (unsigned)sample % 256;
        fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
        uc = (unsigned)sample / 256 % 256;
        fwrite(&uc, 1, 1, fileOut);
      err = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      if (pMusicString != NULL) free(pMusicString);
      if (fileOut != NULL) fclose(fileOut);
      if (fileIn != NULL) fclose(fileIn);
      return err;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
      if (argc == 3)
    //    return PlayToFile(argv[1], argv[2], 44100); // Use this for 44100 sample rate
        return PlayToFile(argv[1], argv[2], 16000);
      printf("Usage:\n  play2wav <Input-QBASIC-Play-String-file> <Output-Wav-file>\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    Compile with gcc:

    gcc play2wav.c -o play2wav.exe

    Test file, JingleBells.txt:



    play2wav.exe JingleBells.txt JingleBells.wav

    Enjoy listening to JingleBells.wav!