The Node version of the docs for Stream's Chat API use async/await
to connect to the Stream Chat service via the JS client. I have read the RxJS docs on connecting to Websockets, which is what I understand the Stream Chat client is doing under the hood.
My question is how I produce Observables
from Stream Chat events? For example, from the event object such as this one:
channel.on('message.deleted', event => {
console.log('event', event);
console.log('channel.state', channel.state);
Thanks for any insight.
If you have a socket like connection you can wrap it with an Observable like this
function channelObs(channel) {
return new Observable<any>(
(subscriber: Observer<any>) => {
event => {;
return () => {// tearDownLogic, i.e. code executed when this Observable is unsubscribed
The Observable returned by the function channelObs
can be treated with all operators offered by RxJS