Trying to turn the HelloComponent
that comes with the Stackblitz Angular default project into a Web Component that runs in the same project.
Within the AppModule
I've registered it like this:
export class AppModule {
constructor(injector:Injector) {
const hello = createCustomElement(HelloComponent, { injector })
customElements.define('h-c', hello)
ngDoBootStrap() {
And when the app compiles it generates the following error:
AppComponent.html:1 ERROR TypeError: hostEl.createShadowRoot is not a function
Not sure why. Any ideas? Also is it possible to run a web component in an Angular Project or does it have to be compiled by itself and then imported?
Well you need a few changed in order to make it work in a Stackblitz environment.
First you need this package :
Then you need to add it to polyfills.ts
import '@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js'
And also you should remove the
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native