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how to uninstall opam...?

UPDATE: I've fixed the problem, but I'm still confused.

Or, rather, there wasn't a problem...apparently the fact that the opam--version command still worked didn't prevent me from re-running all the installation commands and getting things to work again.....?

I'm really confused as to why I'm not having more problems than I am. Does the version command still work even if opam is deleted...somehow?? Do I have two distinct copies of opam on my computer, but somehow they aren't interfering? I definitely ran the installation twice....I feel like something should be going wrong.....could someone please explain what's going on?

Below is my initial question:

I've messed up some switch somewhere (the error is

ERROR] No config file found for switch with-coq. Switch broken?

if one of you is genius enough to fix this directly lol)

and am trying to delete everything and start over. Opam won't go away, though. I've tried

opam remove --force

as per here and

opam uninstall

as per here, both from my home directory. I've also tried forcibly deleting the .opam directory with rm -rf. After all this, the command opam --version command still works. How do I get the damn thing to go away?

Thank you all.


  • If you want to remove the opam binary, you have to uninstall it the way you installed it, either using your package manager, or, if you installed manually, run which opam and then delete the file that prints.

    The opam switches in ~/.opam are data, they are separate from opam the command. This is true of all package managers and almost all programs, in general.