How can I catch the message in Xaml code behind(Parent window)? My child window is throwing this message
In child window,
function sendMsg() {
var status = document.getElementById("status");
if (parent && parent.postMessage) {
parent.postMessage("Hello from child window", "*");
status.innerText = "Sent message to parent...";
In Parent window (xaml.cs),
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Get URI to navigate to
Uri uri = new Uri("child window url to be opened");
// Navigate to the desired URL by calling the .Navigate method
In Xaml,
<WebBrowser Name="mybrowser" Margin="339,10,10,10" Height="396"></WebBrowser>
<Button Content="Send Message to WebView" Margin="10,-700,736,0" Height="20" Click="Button_Click"/>
Finally I did it using window.external method of java script along with ObjectForScriptingHelper class.If I have a method InvokeMeFromJavascript within the class ObjectForScriptingHelper class.Create an object of this class and pass it to the property ObjectForScripting of WebBrowser control.This has in detail explanation