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EFCore 3 with UseLazyLoadingProxies enabled throws System.NotSupportedException: 'Parent does not have a default constructor

I am writting a DDD application and I am trying to use LazyLoading option.

The problem I am facing is that I can run my application OK if I don't use LazyLoading, but once I try to use UseLazyLoadingProxies(), when I get an entity I get the title exception. It seems that is thrown at Castle.DynamicProxies as I can see in the stacktrace

enter image description here

This is my entity:

public class Technology //: Entity
    // fields
    private readonly IList<SubTechnology> subTechnologies = new List<SubTechnology>();

    // properties

    public long Id { get; private set; }
    public virtual TechnologyName Name { get; private set; }
    public virtual IReadOnlyList<SubTechnology> SubTechnologies => subTechnologies.ToList().AsReadOnly();

    public Technology() { }

    public Technology(TechnologyName technologyName) : this()
        Name = technologyName;

    //public void AddSubtechnology(SubTechnology subTech)


and this is how I am calling my code:

public sealed class QuestionController
    private readonly InterviewsDbContext context;

    public QuestionController(InterviewsDbContext context)
        this.context = context;

    public string GetTechnology(long technologyId)
        var tech = context.Technology.Single(t => t.Id == technologyId);
        return tech?.Name.Value;

To me is indicating that I don't have my CTOR implemented, but I have tried public, protected, internal and I can't seem to make it work.

The only thing I can tell is that the Domain model do not live in the same assembly that my Context lives... not sure if has to do with the issue..

Any ideas? thx


  • Well I think I am really stupid, I just transformed my code into something really dumb (anemic model) and the problem went away.

    What I figured out was that the backing field being a IList<T> and the Property of type IReadOnlyList<T> and the proxy couln't create the type.

    The exception error was not much helpful in this case but changing IList<T> to List<T> fixed my issue.