I'm trying to create a small app that displays some simple visualizations from data indexed on Elasticsearch (on an AWS managed Elasticsearch service).
Since, to the best of my knowledge, the degree of access control that AWS offers over its ES service is based on allowing specific HTTP verbs (GET, POST, etc), to simplify my life and the ES admin's, I'm granting this app "read only" permissions, so only GET and HEAD.
However, I see that for its search API, ES exposes a GET endpoint that works with query string parameters, and a POST endpoint that works with a JSON based "Query DSL". This DSL seems to be the preferred method in all examples I have seen online and in the books.
Given the predominance of the Query DSL throughout the documentation, I was wondering:
As per the docs
You can use query parameters to define your search criteria directly in the request URI, rather than in the request body. Request URI searches do not support the full Elasticsearch Query DSL, but are handy for testing.
behavior is slightly confusing but even Kibana sends a POST
in the background when you perform a GET
with a body. If you have to use GET
, some query results might be unexpected. What's your exact use case? Which queries are we talking?