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Update project file in Eclipse

I use this lib

I'm trying to change name of project in the project file to match with the actual name of project progammaticaly. I imported a project from a SVN repo and then rename the folder that content this project with a new name, but if I refresh the workspace, the name in the project file doesn't change. Even if I tell him specifically :

IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().loadProjectDescription(new Path(targetProject.replace("\\", "/") + "/.project"));
description.setName(targetProject.substring(targetProject.lastIndexOf("com.")));  // here the name in description is changed
IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(description.getName());  // a get project from the actual description name that match with the folder name
if (!project.exists()) {
    project.create(description, monitor);
if (!project.isOpen()) {;
project.setDescription(description, monitor);  // force the name in project to change
project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);  // refresh project in case that matter

// Check change
System.out.println(project.getDescription().equals(descritpion));  // false !
System.out.println(project.getDescription().getName().equals(description.getName())); // false !

It's like nothing can change this name. The name in workspace is the new name. I also try to close and open the project again but nothing happen.

What is wrong in this code ? Any help will be appreciate.



  • I figured out how to do this :

              IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().loadProjectDescription(new Path(targetProject.replace("\\", "/") + "/.project"));
              IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(description.getName());
              if (!project.exists()) {
                project.create(description, monitor);
              if (!project.isOpen()) {
              project.move(description, IProject.DEPTH_ONE, monitor);  // This change name

    Thanks for your help.