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Auto-update path to node-gyp include files in a Visual Studio C++ project

I'm trying to convert a project that compiles just fine on MacOS and Linux (Raspbian in particular) so that it will compile on Windows. (Full code here:

After much grief (Like somehow the Node 12 I'd installed going away and getting replaced by Node 8 without my knowledge, and on Windows C++ long and int are both 32-bit? Really!?) I've finally made the code to compile using both node-gyp and Visual Studio 2019, but the Visual Studio set-up is fixed to a specific version of Node in a way that I don't like.

Here's my CppProperties.json file:

  "configurations": [
      "inheritEnvironments": [
      "name": "x86-Debug",
      "includePath": [
      "defines": [
      "intelliSenseMode": "windows-msvc-x86"

I don't want to have to put a specific version of Node in my include path, but I don't know how to make this work without it. I can't even make it work for a specific major version of Node by using 12.* or 12.** -- wildcards don't seem to work for me there.

I see no Windows environment variable that would let me use something like, say, ${env.NODE_VERSION}, and AFAIK there's no VS pre-defined variable that would handle this either.

I could use my own environment variable, but that would have to be manually updated, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

Does Visual Studio have a way that I could script an update, like somehow doing the command node --version, stripping off the leading letter 'v' from the output, and then putting the result into an environment variable?

Any other possible solutions?


I changed the set-up of my Visual Studio project by starting with a generic command-line app, and the configuration works totally differently, with no CppProperties.json file at all, but the issue is still basically the same -- I now have $(LOCALAPPDATA)\node-gyp\Cache\12.16.1\include\node entered into a config dialog instead.


  • An addon using node-addon-api must, at compile time, target a precise version of node.

    That's because N-API is itself "versioned", (with a single digit macro, NAPI_VERSION, currently from 1 to 5, plus the special value NAPI_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL=2147483647)

    As you can see, for example, in the N-API Version Matrix the version 4 is available in node v10.16.0 but NOT in some older v10 releases.

    The addon is "retro-linked" (I don't know the name of that technique) to node.exe, and that link is a "delay load" one. That trick allows the addon to use the N-APIfunctions that are in the host executable, even if it's not "node.exe" (hence the use of

    As for CppProperties.json file, it is my understanding that it's only used by Intellisence and is not related to headers used at compile time.

    You can force node-gyp to use a specific version of node, unrelated to the current version installed on the machine, with the --target option to the configure command.

    Another useful option is --devdir, which allows to get rid of the infamous (afaic) %localappdata%\node-gyp\Cache root directory.

    All the node-gyp command options are here

    Please, dear node/node_gyp/N-API experts reading this, don't hesitate to signal/fix errors in that answer.