I need to remove XML declaration from dom4j document type
I am creating document by
doc = (Document) DocumentHelper.parseText(someXMLstringWithoutXMLDeclaration);
String parsed to Document doc by DocumenHelper contains no XML declaration (it comes from XML => XSL => XML transformation) I think that DocumentHelper is adding declaration to a document body ?
Is there any way to remove XML declaration from the body of
I'm not sure where exactly this the declaration is a problem in your code. I had this once when I wanted to write an xml file without declaration (using dom4j).
So if this is your use case: "omit declaration" is what you're looking for. http://dom4j.sourceforge.net/dom4j-1.6.1/apidocs/org/dom4j/io/OutputFormat.html
Google says this can be set as a property as well, not sure what it does though.