I am trying to add a custom tooltip for each data point in line chart. The data that I am trying to pass to this line chart has the format:
The data that I receive from the API
old : "1",
current : "2",
oldtime : "1586217600000"
newtime: "1583625600000"
old : "2",
current : "3",
oldtime : "1596217600000"
newtime: "1583625600000"
old : "4",
current : "7",
oldtime : "1581217600000"
newtime: "1583185600000"
I was able to bring the two line graphs for old and current after transforming them into the following way
"name" : "old"
"data" : [1,2,4]
"name" : "current"
"data" : [2,3,7]
I am able to get the tooltip for these line graphs where it shows old and current value for each point. Now all I want is how to transform the api data to get the custom tooltip that includes old,current,oldtime,newtime values for each data point.
I am using the following function to transfrom the data
createLineChart = graphData => {
let data = [],old = [];
graphData.forEach(elem => {
data.push({ name: "BASELINE", data: old });
data.push({ name: "CURRENT", data: current });
return data;
Code sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-line-chart-n9g6o
Can someone help me here
You need to add those values - oldtime and newtime to the point as an additional object property. I assumed that those values are ots and cts in your demo.
createLineChart = graphData => {
let data = [],
old = [],
current = [];
let res1 = this.splitAndMerge(graphData);
res1.forEach((elem, i) => {
old.push([i, elem.old, elem.ots]);
current.push([i, elem.current, elem.cts]);
data.push({ name: "BASELINE", data: old, keys: ["x", "y", "ots"] });
data.push({ name: "CURRENT", data: current, keys: ["x", "y", "cts"] });
return data;
In the above code, I add also the keys feature to the series object which is responsible to assign values from array properly.
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.line.keys
Next, when point includes wanted values, I did some changes in your formatter callback.
formatter: function() {
let self = this;
let formattedString = "<small></small><table>";
self.points.forEach(elem => {
formattedString +=
'<tr><td style="color: {series.color}">' +
elem.series.name +
": </td>";
formattedString +=
'<td style="text-align: right"><b>' + elem.y + "</b></td>";
if (elem.point.cts) {
formattedString +=
'<td style="text-align: right">cts: <b>' +
elem.point.cts +
} else {
formattedString +=
'<td style="text-align: right">cts: <b>' +
elem.point.ots +
return formattedString;
And the final result: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-qjsfbl?file=LineChart.js