in my project I have an OSGI bundle. In this bundle I have an Activated method and a bind(to ConfigurationAdmin) method.
When I run the project for the first time the Activated method is called first, so i can initialize all the things I need, but if I stop the bundle and then start it again the bind method is called first and I have a nullpointer(because the initializations in Activate are not called yet).
The reference at the bind method is "cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC"
Why when started for the second time the order changes?
@Component(configurationPid = "ConsulService", immediate = true, service = ConsulService.class)
public class ConsulServiceImpl implements ConsulService {
private ConfigurationAdmin configurationAdmin;
private BundleContext context;
private Consul consul;
public AgentClient agentClient() {
return consul.agentClient();
public KeyValueClient keyValueAgent() {
return consul.keyValueClient();
public void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
//this cause the nullpointer after the stop and the restarting of this bundle
//since this method is not called "consul" is null
this.consul = Consul.builder().build();
this.context = bundleContext;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC, unbind = "unbindConfigurationAdmin")
public void bindConfigurationAdmin(final ConfigurationAdmin configurationAdmin) {
this.configurationAdmin = configurationAdmin;
// Here I have nullpointer because consul is not initializated
KeyValueClient keyValueAgent = keyValueAgent();
It seems that the binding method is called when the service is available. At the first start when the Activated method is called the configurationAdmin is not available yet, but when I stop the bundle and then restart it again the configurationAdmin is available and the bind is called before activated.