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Put resource on classpath at runtime

I need to create an instance of org.apache.camel.guice.Main in my application. For reasons I don't want to get into, I cannot package a file in my jar/bundle, which will be used by to bootstrap the app. I also cannot write anything to the file system.

I do have the properties that would normally go into available at runtime as a java object, map of strings, whatver. Can I write these out to a "dynamic" and put it on the classpath (or add it to a classloader as a "resource")? Something like:


So that 3rd party frameworks that do need to load via getResource() or getResourceAsStream() can do it?


  • I was able to get this to work by doing 4 things:

    1. Using the constructor in InitialContext that takes java.util.Properties as an argument to create the context
    2. Using a hack in Activator to make sure my application bundle is using bundle context classloader, not the thread context classloader
    3. Use require bundle in addition to package-imports in the header.
    4. Using to start camel

    Big thanks to Thorbjorn Andersen in the comments, that made me go back and take a closer look at the InitialContext api.