Rails & Javascript beginner here,
On a training project, I made flash
messages disappear after few seconds using JQuery. A visitor would send AJAX request to add a product to his cart, then a flash partial 'Added to cart' appears and automatically fades out after few seconds.
# application.html.erb
<div id='flash' class='flex-column'>
<%= render partial: 'shared/flash' %>
# shared/_flash.html.erb
<% flash.each do |key, value| %>
<%= display_flash(key, value) %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'custom/flash' %>
# this works, but injects the script each times the partial is rendered
<% end %>
# helpers/application_helper.rb
def display_flash(key, value)
def display_flash(key, value)
div_class = [flash_class(key), 'text-center fade show alert-dismissible'].join(' ')
content_tag(:div, class: div_class) do
content_tag(:p, value) +
button_tag(class: 'ml-auto close', 'data-dismiss': 'alert', type: 'button') do
content_tag(:span, '×'.html_safe, 'aria-hidden': 'true') +
content_tag(:span, 'Close', class: 'sr-only')
// app/javascript/packs/custom/flash.js
function closeFlash(){
let lastAlert = $('#flash .alert:last')
function fadeFlash() {
lastAlert.animate( {opacity: 0}, 2000, function() {
$(this).hide('slow', function() {
setTimeout(fadeFlash, 2000)
The issue with this is that it pollutes my DOM with unnecessary <script>
This could be fixed, but is there a suitable way to execute one specific javascript function after rendering a (AJAX) partial ?
In my case, executing closeFlash()
located in packs/custom/flash.js
each time a partial is rendered.
Thanks for your help and your time
From Amit Patel answer and this post
# app/views/shared/_flash.html.erb
<% flash.each do |key, value| %>
<%= display_flash(key, value) %>
$(function() {
<% end %>
// app/javascript/packs/custom/flash.js
window.closeFlash = function() {
let lastAlert = $('#flash .alert:last')
function fadeFlash() {
lastAlert.animate( {opacity: 0}, 2000, function() {
$(this).hide('slow', function() {
setTimeout(fadeFlash, 2000)
It doesn't inject the whole function but (I believe) the minimal javascript code to call it.
Move <%= javascript_pack_tag 'custom/flash' %>
to your layout or your application.js` so that it is available across the app.
modify your template like
<div id='flash' class='flex-column'>
<%= render partial: 'shared/flash' %>