I want the to collect the values from the array of Linked HashMap Objects with the value of key = "VALUE".
In my code below, I manually iterated each object of arrayOfObjects
using stream.map() then get the value of "VALUE" fields. Then every object of arrayOfObjects
has a child which is an array of objects also, I also collected the value of "VALUE" fields using stream.map() individually.
// Object 1
HashMap<String, Object> outerObject1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
outerObject1.put("VALUE", "val1");
// Child 1 of Object 1
HashMap<String, Object> inner1Child1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner1Child1.put("VALUE", "val1Child1");
// Child 2 of Object 1
HashMap<String, Object> inner1Child2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner1Child2.put("VALUE", "val1Child2");
// Child 3 of Object 1
HashMap<String, Object> inner1Child3 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner1Child3.put("VALUE", "DUPLICATE");
List<HashMap<String, Object>> childrenOfOuterObject1 = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(inner1Child1, inner1Child2, inner1Child3));
outerObject1.put("CHILD", childrenOfOuterObject1);
// Object 2
HashMap<String, Object> outerObject2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
outerObject2.put("VALUE", "val2");
// Child 1 of Object 2
HashMap<String, Object> inner2Child1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner2Child1.put("VALUE", "val2Child1");
// Child 2 of Object 2
HashMap<String, Object> inner2Child2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner2Child2.put("VALUE", "val2Child2");
// Child 3 of Object 2
HashMap<String, Object> inner2Child3 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inner2Child3.put("VALUE", "DUPLICATE");
List<HashMap<String, Object>> childrenOfOuterObject2 = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(inner2Child1, inner2Child2, inner2Child3));
outerObject2.put("CHILD", childrenOfOuterObject2);
List<HashMap<String, Object>> arrayOfObjects = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(outerObject1, outerObject2));
List<String> outerValues = arrayOfObjects.stream().map(obj -> (String) obj.get("VALUE")).collect(
List<HashMap<String, Object>> innerChildren1 = (List<HashMap<String, Object>>)outerObject1.get("CHILD");
List<String> innerValues1 = innerChildren1.stream().map(obj -> (String) obj.get("VALUE")).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<HashMap<String, Object>> innerChildren2 = (List<HashMap<String, Object>>)outerObject2.get("CHILD");
List<String> innerValues2 = innerChildren2.stream().map(obj -> (String) obj.get("VALUE")).collect(Collectors.toList());
Set<String> aggregatedValues = new HashSet<>(outerValues);
My data is similar to the structure below:
"VALUE": "val1",
"CHILD": [
"VALUE": "val1Child1"
"VALUE": "val1Child2"
"VALUE": "val2",
"CHILD": [
"VALUE": "val2Child1"
"VALUE": "val2Child2"
I want my output data to be like below with out iterating using nested LOOP:
[DUPLICATE, val2, val1, val2Child1, val2Child2, val1Child1, val1Child2]
First of all, using a complex Type as you do, HashMap<String, Object>
where Object is a List, is not a good choice, for that I would suggest to use OOP to solve your problem, so create a class like this:
public class MyObject {
private String value;
private List<MyObject> child;
public MyObject(String value) {
this.value = value;
public MyObject(String value, List<MyObject> child) {
this.value = value;
this.child = child;
// Getters and setters
Second, store your data like this for example:
List<MyObject> parents = Arrays.asList(
new MyObject("val1", Arrays.asList(
new MyObject("val1Child1"),
new MyObject("val1Child2"),
new MyObject("DUPLICATE")
new MyObject("val2", Arrays.asList(
new MyObject("val2Child1"),
new MyObject("val2Child2"),
new MyObject("DUPLICATE")
and finally, you can get the values like this:
Set<String> result = parents.stream()
.flatMap(p -> {
Set<String> values = new HashSet<>();
return values.stream();
and output are:
[DUPLICATE, val2, val1, val2Child1, val2Child2, val1Child1, val1Child2]