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e.preventDefault() not letting me submit my form

I wrote some Javascript to validate a form. However, if the form fields pass all validations, the form never submits! Is my code somehow incorrectly preventing the form from being able to submit? If I delete all of the Javascript and use browser's built-in validation then form executes fine and user is added to the database.

const form = document.getElementById('form');

const first_name = document.getElementById('first_name');
const last_name = document.getElementById('last_name');
const username = document.getElementById('username');
const email = document.getElementById('email');
const password = document.getElementById('password');
const password2 = document.getElementById('password2');

// Show input error message
function showError(input, message) {
    input.className = 'form-control is-invalid';
    const small = input.parentElement.querySelector('small');
    small.className = 'invalid-feedback';
    small.innerText = message;

// Show success outline
function showSuccess(input, message) {
    input.className = 'form-control is-valid';
    const small = input.parentElement.querySelector('small');
    small.className = 'valid-feedback';
    small.innerText = message;

function checkRequired(inputArray) {
    inputArray.forEach(function(input) {
      if (input.value.trim() === '') {
        showError(input, `${getFieldName(input)} is required`);
        return false;
      } else {
        showSuccess(input, "Looks Good!");
        return true;

// Check email is valid
function checkEmail(input) {
  const re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
  if (re.test(input.value.trim())) {
    showSuccess(input, 'Looks Good!');
    return true;
  } else {
    showError(input, 'Email is not valid');
    return false;

// Check input length
function checkLength(input, min, max) {
  if (input.value.length < min) {
      `${getFieldName(input)} must be at least ${min} characters`
    return false;
  } else if (input.value.length > max) {
      `${getFieldName(input)} must be less than ${max} characters`
    return false;
  } else {
    showSuccess(input, 'Looks Good!');
    return true;

// Check passwords match
function checkPasswordsMatch(input1, input2) {
  if (input1.value !== input2.value) {
    showError(input2, 'Passwords do not match');
    return false;
  return true;

// Get fieldname
function getFieldName(input) {
  return +;

// Event listeners
form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {

  if (!checkRequired([first_name, last_name, username, email, password, password2])) {
  if (!checkLength(username, 3, 15)) {
  if (!checkLength(password, 6, 25)) {
  if (!checkEmail(email)) {
  if (!checkPasswordsMatch(password, password2)) {


  • Your checkRequired function never returns anything at the moment:

    function checkRequired(inputArray) {
        inputArray.forEach(function (input) {
            if (input.value.trim() === '') {
                showError(input, `${getFieldName(input)} is required`);
                return false;
            } else {
                showSuccess(input, "Looks Good!");
                return true;

    You're returning inside the callback, but the callback ignores its return value (and you still wouldn't want to return true inside the loop, you'd only want to return true after all iterations have finished)

    To find the first invalid input, use .find:

    function checkRequired(inputArray) {
      const invalidInput = inputArray.find(input => input.value.trim() === '');
      if (invalidInput) {
        showError(input, `${getFieldName(invalidInput)} is required`);
        return false;
      return true;

    If you want to call showError for every invalid input, then:

    function checkRequired(inputArray) {
      let valid = true;
      for (const input of inputArray) {
        if (input.value.trim() === '') {
          valid = false;
          showError(input, `${getFieldName(input)} is required`);
      return valid;