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php regex to extract single parameter value from string

I'm working with a string containing parameters, separated by some special characters in PHP with preg_match

An example could be like this one, which has four parameters.


Each parameter name is followed by ?#?, and its value is right next to it, ending with ?@? (note: values can be strings or numbers, and even special characters)

I've probably overcomplicated my regex, which works in SOME cases, but not if I search for the last parameter in the string..

This example returns 2222 as the correct value (in group 1) for 2ndParm


but it fails if 2ndParm is the last one in the string as in the following example:


I'd also appreciate help in just returning one group with my result.. i havent been able to do so, but since I always get the one I'm interested in group 1, I can get it easily anyway.


  • You can use


    in verbose mode, see a demo on

    The \Q...\E construct disables the ? and # "super-powers" (no need to escape them here).
    In PHP this could be

    $string = "1stparm?#?1111?@?2ndParm?#?2222?@?3rdParm?#?3333?@?4thparm?#?444?@?";
    $regex = "~(?P<key>.+?)\Q?#?\E(?P<value>.+?)\Q?@?\E~";
    preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        echo $match["key"] . " = " . $match["value"] . "\n";

    Which yields

    1stparm = 1111
    2ndParm = 2222
    3rdParm = 3333
    4thparm = 444

    Or shorter:

    $result = array_map(
        function($x) {return array($x["key"] => $x["value"]);}, $matches);