I'm confused by the documentation on how to stop listening for channel events in JS using the Stream Chat API. As per the docs:
// remove the handler for all "message.new" events on the channel
channel.off("message.new", myChannelEventHandler);
What is myChannelEventHandler
My channel.on
looks like this, from the example Angular application:
this.channel.on('message.new', event => {
this.messages = [...this.messages, event.message];
This is the only time myChannelEventHandler
ever referenced in the docs, any guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks to Taplar, I've gotten this working. Solution is as simple as this:
Define a message event handler, and create a property for the Angular component class:
messageEventHandler = event => {
this.messages = [...this.messages, event.message];
Use event handler for channel on:
this.channel.on('message.new', this.messageEventHandler)
Use the same event handler for channel off:
this.channel.off('message.new', this.messageEventHandler)