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How to select the test I want to run via Nightwatch Programmatic API

I am currently working on creating a web app that allows me to run Nightwatch tests from a graphic interface. Right now I can run all my tests with a post request from my web app I am using Nightwatch Programmatic API. My question is can I chose the folder of tests I want to run from a post request, here is my code, Thank you.'/exec', function (req, res) {

Nightwatch.cli(function (argv) {
    argv.config = 'nightwatch.conf.js';
    argv.source= 'folder of tests i want to run';
    const runner = Nightwatch.CliRunner(argv);

        .then(() => {
            return runner.runTests()
        .then(() => {
            return runner.stopWebDriver()
        .catch(err => console.error(err));


  • As you know, the config file is exported as an object. If you are able to read the file contents and store it into a variable, you can try to override the property src_folders.

    const red = require('../nightwatch.conf');