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How to register methods without referring to the S3 ones

I had written some R functions that I wanted to convert to an R package. One of them is called for example print.pretty.values and another print.empty.line. Package builds and installs alright, but when I run the check function I get this warning:

Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered

I have read the relevant documentation and I don't want to have a print function of my class someClass. I just need to export nicely (and without warning) a function that is called print.something or plot.something.else without it being understood as an S3 method and without me having to change the name. Is there a way to define this (in the function documentation or the NAMESPACE file?)


  • I changed all the names of the functions to have the underscore separator (_) instead of the dot (.), following the tidyverse guidelines:

    Note that the only case that they 'allow' dots in functions are when you write function.class or and in my case it wasn't like that (print.pretty.values wasn't an S3 function - I just wanted to use the dot as a separator for words in general and thus I got warnings).