Having a scatterplot:
I want to be able to zoom only proportionally xy, so the distance between y ticks is the same as x ticks at any time, resulting in a square zoom field instead of a free rectangle.
I tried chart.setExtremes()
but it didn't affect the zoom functionally.
That functionality is not supported in Highcarts by default, but you can add it by wrapping drag
method from Pointer prototype, for example:
(function(H) {
H.wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'drag', function(proceed, e) {
var chartX = e.chartX,
chartY = e.chartY,
mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX,
mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY,
rectX = Math.abs(chartX - mouseDownX),
rectY = Math.abs(chartY - mouseDownY);
if (rectX > rectY) {
e.chartY = chartY + (
mouseDownY > chartY ?
-(rectX - rectY) :
(rectX - rectY)
} else {
e.chartX = chartX + (
mouseDownX > chartX ?
-(rectY - rectX) :
(rectY - rectX)
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/aubkLt5o/
API Reference: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/extending-highcharts/extending-highcharts