as function MINUS(value1, value2)
it only has 2 arguments
Do we have function like MINUS(array)
and minus each row of an array?
Or need to use app-script to create the custom function?
my full length formula is
Column C contains numbers
Column A contains texts
which will always be changing
In my rather simple-minded comment above I suggested the 'MINUS' function for a range A1:A10 would just be
Another way of doing it would be
Applying this second formula to your filtered data gives:
=2*array_constrain(filter(D:D,left(B:B)<>" ",D:D<>""),1,1)-ARRAYFORMULA(sumif(left(B:B,1),"<> ",D:D))
In other words, find the first row with data in it, multiply by two and subtract the sum of all the data.