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Value cannot be cast from ReadableNativeMap to double

I have a custom marker image and want to use a variable for the opacity of the image. I doing the following and gettin this error "Value for opacity cannot be cast from ReadableNativeMap to double"

var status=1;

         coordinate={{ latitude: marker.latitude, longitude: marker.longitude }} 
         onPress={() => this.props.Quiz2(marker.latitude, marker.longitude)} >
    <View><Image source={require('../assets/icons/quiz.png')} style={{ width: 40, height: 40,opacity:status}}/></View>


  • You have to use <Animated.*> e.g.

    For <View> use <Animated.View>

    For <Image> use <Animated.Image>

    And so on. React Native will understand Animated.Value if it's used in Animated.* component.