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styled component global class strategy

What's the best or elegant strategy to use a global class using styled-components? I can create a component and style it, import it when I need it. For instance

const CenterStyled = styled.div`
   align-item: center;
   display: flex;
export default const Center = ({children}) => <CenterStyled>{children}</Center>

Is there any npm package or helper utils I can already use? or there's other better way to do it?


  • When you have a repeated style you want to reuse, typically you define a mixins file and import the css blocks:

    // mixins.js
    import { css } from "styled-components";
    const flexAlignCenter = css`
      align-items: center;
      display: flex;
    const flexAlignStart = css`
      align-items: flex-start;
    const mixins = { flexAlignCenter, flexAlignStart };
    export default mixins;
    // Usage
    import { mixins } from '@styles'; // Some styles alias
    const Container = styled.div`
    const Component = ({ children }) => <Container>{children}</Container>;

    You can see "real world" example here (some paid project I work on).