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Jupyter Notebook io.StringIO as output


Blast_aa_mc = qblast("blastp","nr", aa_mc[2])


<_io.StringIO at 0x12a1a48>

What is _io.StringIO? and what does it mean? What I was expecting was some sort of string or array. Is there a better way to do this?


  • StringIO is a class from Python's io module in the standard library. Essentially a StringIO object behaves like a Python file object that is not stored on disk but kept in memory.

    Let's see a simple example:

    f = io.StringIO("Some initial\ntext data.")

    If you print it out, you get a result similar to yours:

    >> <_io.StringIO object at 0x7f4530264a68>

    How to deal with this? Well, virtually anything that you can do with a file object, you can do with a StringIO object. For example to get the list of all lines in f:

        content = f.readlines()
        >> ['Some initial\n', 'text data.']

    And to get a single string containing all content:

    >> 'Some initial
    text data.'

    Please note that you can only call readlines once - just as it is the case for files. The second call to readlines will return an empty list.