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Spring security redirects to page with status code 999

After successful login spring redirects to /error page with the following content

  "timestamp" : 1586002411175,
  "status" : 999,
  "error" : "None",
  "message" : "No message available"

I'm using spring-boot 2.2.4

My config:


public class DispatcherContextConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class AppSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    public void configure(WebSecurity web) {
        web.ignoring().antMatchers("/favicon.ico", "/resources/**");

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                    .defaultSuccessUrl("/log") // I don't want to use force redirect here


    // ...


Turns out that error is caused by failed request to one of my static resources. Login page has <script src="/resources/my-js-file.js"></script> that is missing in the project. I can fix this by removing missing resource import, but the problem can reappear in future so it's not a fix.

How can I prevent this from happening?

I know I can force redirect to starting page with .defaultSuccessUrl("/log", true) but I don't want this. Also I want redirect to work properly despite of any not found resources.


  • After wasting a lot of time I figured out what's happening.

    So spring can't find one of static resources that is used on login page. But instead of returning status 404 for this resource it tries to render error page and forwards request to /error. Then spring security denies this request because user is not authorized. It saves /error request to session (for redirecting after successful login) and redirects user to login page.

    Of course user can't see this redirect because status 302 returns for request that is done in background. But the main issue is /error request saved in session.

    Then user logins successfully and spring checks session for this attribute and makes redirect to /error page. By default spring assumes that you have such page somewhere in static resources. If you doesn't have this page you will see this weird error with status code 999.

    Solution 1

    Ignore /error page in security config:

    web.ignoring().antMatchers("/favicon.ico", "/resources/**", "/error");

    So this request will not be saved to session for user redirection after successful login. You will see that on login page status code of request to static resource will change from 302 to 404.

    Solution 2

    Ignore part of spring boot autoconfig:


    This gives same result but disables some beans from config ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration so be careful.