I have a treemap which has countries as values and corresponding states as keys such that keys are unique and values are duplicate. I want to fetch all keys for a unique value (i.e. I want to fetch all the states of a country by passing that particular country). How do I do that? Let me know if I need to provide any other information.
Here is some code that will hopefully get you going. One observation from your post is that you cannot have more than one value for a given key in a Map. The value would need to be a list or another object type that can hold multiple values.
String search = "Mexico";
// create our TreeMap
Map<String, String> stateMap = new TreeMap();
stateMap.put("CO", "USA");
stateMap.put("Ontario", "Canada");
stateMap.put("Chiapas", "Mexico");
stateMap.put("Chihuahua", "Mexico");
stateMap.put("TX", "USA");
stateMap.put("GA", "USA");
// HashSet will store the unique list of states found in the search country
Set<String> results = new HashSet();
// iterate over the source TreeMap looking for the country to match the search string
for (String state : stateMap.keySet()) {
String country = stateMap.get(state);
if (country.equals(search)) {
// iterate through the results set and print each state for the search country
results.forEach(state -> System.out.println(state));