I am working with the Google Takeout. They give me data with json file.
"timelineObjects" : [ {
"placeVisit" : {
"location" : {
"latitudeE7" : 129255490,
"longitudeE7" : 776649940,
"placeId" : "ChIJ_ZQgWXcTrjsR7t4Sqb3Pmi8",
"address" : "#101, 10th Block, Suncity Corporate Leisure\nSarjapura Outer Ring Road\nIblur Village, Bellandur\nBengaluru, Karnataka 560102\nIndia",
"name" : "Cheese Care",
"locationConfidence" : 99.093636
"duration" : {
"startTimestampMs" : "1358972055436",
"endTimestampMs" : "1360407467023"
"centerLatE7" : 129255325,
"centerLngE7" : 776650031,
"visitConfidence" : 64,
"otherCandidateLocations" : [ {
"latitudeE7" : 129253900,
"longitudeE7" : 776647590,
"placeId" : "ChIJjwwbqoITrjsR95ZXtjEF2tU",
"name" : "Zenith",
"locationConfidence" : 0.5477843
"editConfirmationStatus" : "NOT_CONFIRMED"
} ]
I didn't get any idea how to show places with these latitudeE7
and longitudeE7
. They are very big value!!!
Multiply each Latitude
and Longitude