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PyCharm says No Module named Crypto

I keep getting an import error saying:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Crypto'

I have gone over various other answers about how to resolve this, but it does not mention how I can resolve the issue in PyCharm.

I originally tried to pip3 install pycrpyto in the Pycharm terminal, but it would not install. Then I hear about pycryptodome and was able to install it properly. However, when I type import Crypto , it keeps saying that the module was not found. How is this issue resolved in Pycharm.


    • Go to settings-->project:project_name-->Project Interpreter
    • now you can see plus(+) symbol beside project,version,latest version (table), click on that
    • a new tab will appear, type the package you want to install and click on install package which is at the left bottom of that tab

    Note: check if it is capital c or small c, the packages are case sensitive