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Java 'final' instance variable - visibility and propagation of variable's internal state

While reading the documentation related to Threads and Locks, a sentence describing final keyword attracted me:

Correspondingly, compilers are allowed to keep the value of a final field cached in a register and not reload it from memory in situations where a non-final field would have to be reloaded.

Does it mean, that if I declare a final Object object = ... as an instance variable and then access it (modify its inner state - object.state) from anonymous inner classes (multiple instances of Runnable), then the value of object.state could actually be read/written from/into CPU cache and it (value of object.state) could be out of sync across those Runnable instances?

So if I want to be sure, that the value of object.state is properly propagated across all the threads I have to declare the object as volatile Object object instead?

Thank you.

Edit: I have edited my original question. And now I know I misunderstood the documentation so the answer to my last question is NO - volatile/final Object object has no effect on object.state - it depends how the object.state is declared, initialized and/or accessed.

Thanks to the @Burak Serdar for the answer!


  • When you declare a final Object object=..., the final value is the reference to the object, not the internal state of the object. It means than nothing can modify object, it does not say that nothing can modify, say, object.value. So the variable object can be cached, which does not mean the internal state of object can be cached.