Im developing an app which uses Here Map Lite Android SDK. When i zoom in to Chennai(India) to automatically changes language to Hindi. How to Change it to English
private fun loadMapScene() {
if (checkPermission())
mapView.mapScene.loadScene(MapStyle.NORMAL_DAY) {
if (it == null) { = GeoCoordinates(52.530932, 13.384915) = 14.0
} else {
Log.d(_errTAG, "loadMapScene failed: $it")
else requestPermission()
This starts working with version 4.1.6
private void loadMapScene() {
MapSceneConfig mapSceneConfig = new MapSceneConfig();
mapSceneConfig.mainLanguageCode = LanguageCode.EN_EN;
mapSceneConfig.fallbackLanguageCode = LanguageCode.EN_EN;
mapView.getMapScene().loadScene(MapStyle.NORMAL_DAY, mapSceneConfig, new MapScene.LoadSceneCallback() {
public void onLoadScene(@Nullable MapScene.ErrorCode errorCode) {
if (errorCode == null) { = GeoCoordinates(52.530932, 13.384915); = 14.0;
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "onLoadScene failed: " + errorCode.toString());