Hope you are fine in these times.
I am floored with a problem and I hope you have more knowledge.
Using 'jq' I want to change all the dates from eg. 19731013 (string) to a 1973-10-13
"Mail": "john@example.com",
"Name": "Smith",
"Employee_Number": "000555",
"First_Name": "John",
"Company": "ACME",
"Department": null,
"Employment_Status": "Retiree",
"Start_Date": "19770516",
"Function_Start_Date": "19770516",
"Group_Phone": "",
"Job_Title": "Operations Manager Warehousing",
"Sub_Group": "Exempts",
"Location": "Tibuktu",
"Organizational_Unit": null,
"Date_of_Birth": "19560719",
"Gender": "1"
"Mail": "mary@example.com",
"Name": "Smith",
"Employee_Number": "000777",
"First_Name": "Mary",
"Company": "ACME",
"Department": null,
"Employment_Status": "Retiree",
"Start_Date": "19770516",
"Function_Start_Date": "19770516",
"Group_Phone": "",
"Job_Title": "Manager",
"Sub_Group": "Exempts",
"Location": "Tibuktu",
"Organizational_Unit": null,
"Date_of_Birth": "19560719",
"Gender": "2"
Is it possible to use substr(.Start_Date,1,5)"-"substr(.Start_Date,6,2)"-"substr(.Start_Date,8,3)
like with awk in a CSV?
Maybe I am staring at a wall while missing the door on the right?
UPDATE: Thanks a lot guys this worked like a charm!
jq -r '.[].Start_Date |= "\(.[0:4])-\(.[4:6])-\(.[6:8])" | .[].Function_Start_Date |= "\(.[0:4])-\(.[4:6])-\(.[6:8])" | .[].Date_of_Birth|="\(.[0:4])-\(.[4:6])-\(.[6:8])"' employees.json > test.json
In JQ we have string slice and string interpolation syntaxes for that.
$ jq '.[].Start_Date | "\(.[0:4])-\(.[4:6])-\(.[6:8])"' file