I defined a function numberFormat in my Zapier app
I was expecting a result like 50
but actually I get 5000
. Any suggestions about how to solve this?
function numberFormat(number) {
var newString = number.toString().replace(/,/g, '.'); // togli tutte le virgole e sostituiscile con punti
var lastDotIndex = newString.lastIndexOf('.'); // l'ultimo che trovi è separatore dei decimali
var decimal = newString.slice(lastDotIndex); // parte decimale
var integerSlice = newString.slice(0, lastDotIndex); // parte intera
var integer = integerSlice.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); // della parte intera mi servono solo i numeri
var strResult = integer + decimal; // concatena intero e decimale
return Number(strResult);
// In this same environment I sent a test value like this:
You need to add a dot or just take the replacements and get a number from it.
function numberFormat(number) {
return +number
.replace(/,/g, '.')
.replace(/\.(?=.*\.)/g, '')
.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ''); // allow dot