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Clangd is not found in VIM using neoclide / coc.nvim

  1. I typed in Vim :CocInstall coc-clangd
  2. Complains about clangd is not installed
  3. sudo apt-get install clangd-10, also i installed clangd-9
  4. still same error appears
  5. reboot
  6. still same error

clangd is not found, you need to install clangd first

Is there something that I miss and you want to know guys?


    1. clangd-10 will be installed as clangd-10, try this: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clangd clangd /usr/bin/clangd-10 100.
    2. Make sure clangd can been found from $PATH, check: which clangd or clangd --version
    ❯ clangd --version
    clangd version 10.0.0