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How to add multiple PATHs to the System Variable in Environment Variables in Windows 10?

I mistakenly deleted the entire PATH variable under System Variables. So I tried to add a variable named PATH explicitly, to the System Variable. But now whenever I try to add multiple PATHs, each PATH overwrites the previous one.

Screenshot 1

As you can see, instead of opening the list of paths, it just gives the option of one path. So I tried to append a PATH variable using command line.

setx path "D:\Softwares\MongoDB\bin" /m

Screenshot 2

It still overwrites the previous path. As shown, the Java path(from Screenshot 1) got overwritten by the MongoDB path.

How do I resolve this issue ? How do I add multiple paths to the PATH variable ?

P.S - I use Windows 10 (64 bit).


  • I have found the solution to this problem and posting this as a reference for anyone in future who deletes their PATH variable entirely.

    1. Open run.(Press Window Key + R)

    2. Type regedit.

    3. Navigate through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> ControlSet001 -> Control Session Manager -> Environment

    4. There will be a PATH variable. If not, create a variable and name it Path.

    5. Enter all your paths each seperated by a semi-colon. For example - D:\Softwares\Java\bin;D:\Softwares\MingW\bin;D:\Softwares\MongoDB\bin;