I am gathering class metadata using JavaParser to store in a JSON object. For each compilation unit I collect, I also collect a list of the FieldDeclarations. For each FieldDeclaration, I would like to see if the type is an interface type.
In the java doc I noticed that FieldDeclaration inherits isClassOrInterfaceDeclaration()
from BodyDeclaration, however I would like something like isInterfaceDeclaration()
I notice, however, that the class ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
has a method isInterface()
Would it be irresponsible to take a FieldDeclaration f
and do something like:
Boolean b = f.toClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().isInterface()
Ultimately I would like to distinguish whether a FieldDeclaration is of a Class type, or Interface type.
Something I have also considered is:
Type t = f.getElementType() ;
// Dodgy code ahead
if(t == Class) { // do something...}
If someone can point in me in the right direction, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Some exploratory testing I did yielded some unexpected results. I collected a list of Field declarations from a class, the fields are:
private String s;
private String addedState ;
// Component is an interface
private Component c ;
When performing isClassOrInterfaceDeclaration()
on each of these fields, each one returned false. But when I performed:
f.forEach(n->System.out.println(n.getElementType().isClassOrInterfaceType())) ;
each one returned true.
My assumptions about what the expected output would be have been proven false.
Edit 2: I have come to realize why calling isClassOrInterfaceDeclaration() does not yield true, because the fields are literally not declaring a class or interface. I need to find a way to determine if the type is a Class or Interface.
I think what you are looking for is a Java symbol solver, which is included with JavaParser.
To use it, you have to instantiate the parser a certain way
//The files are jar files that contain types you want to resolve
static final JavaParser createJavaParser(File... jarFiles) {
CombinedTypeSolver typeSolver = new CombinedTypeSolver();
//Allows you to resolve types that comes with the JDK
typeSolver.add(new ReflectionTypeSolver());
// Make it so the parser can recognize types within the jar files
try {
for (File jar : jarFiles) {
typeSolver.add(new JarTypeSolver(jar));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Create the config for the parser
JavaSymbolSolver symbolSolver = new JavaSymbolSolver(typeSolver);
ParserConfiguration parserConfiguration = new ParserConfiguration();
// Construct the parser
return new JavaParser(parserConfiguration);
If a CompilationUnit
was contructed using a parser from this method, you can then use the following code to determine if the type of a FieldDeclaration
is an interface type
static final boolean hasInterfaceType(FieldDeclaration f) {
return f.resolve().declaringType().isInterface();