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How to update an element of an array based on the index when using spread syntax?

Consider an array as

const foo = [1, 2, 3];

Now if I want to replace the second element I can just do:

foo[1] = 4; or

foo.splice(1,1,4); or

const foo = [1, 2, 3];

console.log([, 1), 4,]);
// I know this creates a new array unlike the above two ways.

but when we use spread operator for shallow copying objects we can dynamically overwrite a property like:

const someObject = {
 a: 1,
 b: 2,
 c: 3
const propertyToChange = 'b';

const newObject = { ...someObject, [propertyToChange]: 4 };

So, is there an equivalent of this for arrays? Maybe something like the following to change an element based on the index.

const newArray = [...oldArray, [dynamicIndex]: 4 ];


  • Sort of: you can use Object.assign:

    const newArray = Object.assign([...oldArray], {[dynamicIndex]: 4});
    // Or
    const newArray = Object.assign([], oldArray, {[dynamicIndex]: 4});

    That works because arrays are objects.

    Live Example:

    const oldArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    const dynamicIndex = 3; // The fourth entry
    const newArray = Object.assign([], oldArray, {[dynamicIndex]: "four"});