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Refit: versioned routes

We were using Refit on one of your API's to create and share a Client package for that API.


Task CreateCategoryAsync([Body] CategoryCommandDto createCategoryCommandDto);

and everything was working fine with a controller like


public class CategoriesController : ControllerBase
    public async Task<IActionResult> CreateCategory([FromBody] CategoryCommandDto createCategoryCommandDto)
          //some code

The problem is that now we've added api versioning, and we choosed to version by route.

So now the endpoint /category looks like /v1/category and we will create a /v2/category soon.

Is there a way to configure refit (through attributes or similar) for it to understand my versioned routes?

I want to avoid having to write a new client for every new version of the API and including the version in the endpoint route like


Task CreateCategoryAsync([Body] CategoryCommandDto createCategoryCommandDto);

Imagine that the client is bigger and has a lot of methods, not just one. Also not all the methods may change between versions.


  • You can achieve this in a different way: 1) Use like an argument from method;

    Task CreateCategoryAsync([Body] CategoryCommandDto createCategoryCommandDto, [AliasAs("v")]int version = 1);

    2) Define a property inside of CategoryCommandDto;

    public class CategoryCommandDto
        // Properties can be read-only and [AliasAs] isn't required
        public int v { get { return 1; } }

    3) Define a baseUrl for httpClient during ICategoryApi creation

        .ConfigureHttpClient(c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri($"{version}"));

    4) Or if you need some advanced calculation you can add a custom HttpHandler and configure inside yours client.

            .ConfigureHttpClient(c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri(""));