I've got a domain class which I want to, at run time, do a database call to populate a list of objects as a property. I have a tree with a 'headMember' property and that property is an object which has the following function:
def marriages = {
def marriages = Marriage.findAll("from Marriage as m where m.mainMember.name=:name", [name:name])
return [marriages:marriages]
in my GSP, I use ${tree?.headMember?.marriages}
to access the 'headMember' property of the model which is passed to the view 'tree' from the following function in the relevant controller:
def show = {
def tree = Tree.get(params.id)
render(view:'show', model:[tree:tree])
when I view this in my browser, i get:
where I'd expect a list.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
When you call marriages, you are calling a closure and this closure is returned. I think that you should rework it to be a method, something like that:
static transients = ['marriages'] // tell hibernate that marriages is not a persistent property
List<Marriages> getMarriages(){
return Marriage.findAll("from Marriage as m where m.mainMember.name=:name", [name:name])
This way, when you call ${tree?.headMember?.marriages}
in your GSP, the getMarriages()
method is called and list of marriages should be returned.