I have a component that receives a variable as a prop. The getDerivedStateFromProps() is typical, meaning that when nextProps.someProp doesn't equal prevState.someStateVar, that prop is assigned to state variable.
I also have a Controlled element - an HTML text Input element which is associated with the same state variable.
The problem is, when I change the state variable through the controlled element, getDerivedStateFromProps() executes and sets the value back to the prop received earlier.
As a React novice, I don't understand why this happens. The above action should only occur when a new prop value is received, like the name 'nextProps' suggests.
Please suggest how to get the desired behaviour:
The article - "You Probably Don't Need Derived State" was true.
I referred the controlled component email example.
Now, the data of all the child components is stored in the parent's state. The parent's state is passed down as a prop to the child components. A method in the parent component edits the state variables. This method is passed down to the child components as a prop.
Hence, the single source of truth is established and it is stored in the parent component making its children fully controlled components. This is how I did it.