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What happen after "./gradlew {package}-rpm"

I am new to bigtop architecture, I would like to know how does bigtop know the real build command to launch for this specific package after ./gradlew {package}-rpm, I assume there must be some kind of configs define the real build command. (The package is a maven based project)

Thank you.


  • I'm not familiar with Bigtop, but I am familiar with Gradle. See here for the Gradle task definition that you're referring to:

    The command that the task will execute is given under the exec directive: rpmbuild <command>. command is an array of arguments defined just above that directive. Most of its arguments are derived from the config object, which is basically a nested map (like a JSON object) produced by Groovy's ConfigSlurper, which reads the input BOM file as if it were a Groovy file.


    1. "Slurp" the BOM configuation into the config object
    2. For each "component" defined within the config configuration, produce a set of tasks (${package}-rpm and others)
    3. When configuring the ${package}-rpm task, use the BOM configuration to derive the command arguments using the logic provided within the task closure
    4. Upon execution, run rpmbuild with the aforementioned command arguments