I have a file here that defines an icon for the title.
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
headerRight: () => (<HomeHeaderIcon/>)
export default class HomeHeaderIcon extends Component {
async componentDidMount(){
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
render() {
return (
this.state.token ===null
onPress={() => (NavigationService.navigate("LogStack"))}>
<Icon name="ios-power" size={30} style={{color: "white",marginRight:wp("5%")}}/>
onPress={() => (NavigationService.navigate("Profile"))}>
<Icon name="ios-home" size={30} style={{color: "white",marginRight:wp("5%")}}/>
The system works exactly as I want. If there is a token, I say icon1 or icon2 show. The problem is I do this in componentDidMount, the icon does not change without refreshing the page. How do I render it again?
is called, as the name suggests, just once, when the component is mounted. Use componentDidUpdate
to decide how your component behaves based on what piece of props
or state
has changed.
Read the documentation for more information regarding lifecycle methods.