I have an issue regarding a link not loading my image when I pass a prop to the attribute src of img. I have tried wrapping require() around my links and it didn't work.
I have a huge library of products which would be unfeasible to manually import images using the image loader.
Therefore, is there a way to load an image using props inside the src attribute?
I am using NODE_PATH=src/
Thanks for the help!
export const productLib = [{
ID: "001",
name:"product name",
src: "lib/productLib/img/product_name",
color: "",
}, {...}]
import React from 'react';
export class Products extends React.Component {
render() {
<div className="products">
<img src={this.props.product.src} width="50" />
<h6>{this.props.product.name}<span className={`block ${this.props.product.color}`}></span></h6>
As recommended by Xuscrus, I linked my images using the public path. I had to remove my absolute path in order for this solution to work.
I moved all of my images inside a folder named "img" inside the public folder of my create-react-app.
With the example used in my initial statement, here is the easiest solution I found:
import React from 'react';
export class Products extends React.Component {
render() {
<div className="products">
<img src={`/img/${this.props.product.src}.png`} width="50" />
<h6>{this.props.product.name}<span className={`block ${this.props.product.color}`}></span></h6>
My main reference for my solution was this post (URL method in the correct answer) :